Human Services
In 2024 the McLean Contributionship awarded 45 Grants totaling $3,600,581.00
ACHIEVEability Towards laptops, docking stations for the Staff Technology Upgrades at ACHIEVEability $48,468.00
American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Towards the equipment QIAsymphony SP System for the Blood Saves Lives: Capital Equipment $105,482.00
Baker Industries Towards the Baker Industries ,Justin Baker Endowment Fund. $25,000.00
Bethesda Project, Towards making facility repairs at My Brother's House Safe Haven $30,000.00 Center for Families and Relationships Towards the purchase of computers/laptops for the CFAR Technology Project $27,965.00
Charles A. Melton Arts and Education Center, Towards capital items for the Melton Center Security Upgrades and Renovations for Safety and Expansion of Childcare Center $30,000.00
Child Guidance Resource Centers, Towards capital items for the replacement of SW Philadelphia Office Playground $30,000.00
Coatesville 2nd Century Alliance, Towards renovating commercial kitchen for Made in Coatesville Culinary Collective $25,000.00
Council on Foundations Operating Support $6,500.00
ESF Dream Camp Foundation, Towards equipment (laptops, lego education spike set, circut maker) for the After School Academy and Summer Camp STEAM Initiative $23,784.00
Family Service Association of Bucks County, Towards capital items for Reimaging the Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter as a Service Hub that Provides Care & Promotes Success among Shelter Residents and the Surrounding Community $25,000.00
Glen Foerd Conservation Corp, Towards the purchase of equipment for Expanding On-Water Recreation Opportunities for BIPOC Communities in Philadelphia $19,535.00
Greater Philadelphia Young Mens Christian Association, Towards capital items for the YMCA Capital Renovation: Safety Around Water & Competitive Swim Team, Preventing Drowning & Promoting Wellness $29,000.00
Habitat for Humanity Chester County, Towards the purchase of a Donation Pick-up truck for Habitat ReStore $50,000.00
Habitat For Humanity of Montgomery and Delaware Counties, PA Towards the purchase of the Habitat MontDelCo Box Truck $20,000.00
Integrate For Good Inc, Towards capital items for the Connectivity Hub Technology and Equipment $20,000.00
Ken-Crest Services, Towards the HVAC system replacement, at the South Philadelphia Early Learning Center $25,000.00
Kennett Area Community Service, Towards capital items for the New Facility for Kennett Area Community Service $50,000.00
Maternity Care Coalition, Towards capital items for A/V Upgrades to Facilitate Teleconferencing $15,318.00 Melmark Towards the Adult Day Center renovation $50,000.00
Mighty Writers, Inc. Towards capital items: construction, equipment, and furniture for the Mighty Writers West "Mighty Mart" Client Choice Food Pantry $68,200.00
Mitzvah Circle Foundation Building a Beacon of Hope: canopy for the new warehouse facility in Lansdale. $25,000.00
Moms House Inc Of Greater Philadelphia, Towards the new playground at the new location at the First United Methodist Church. $25,000.00
North Light Community Center, Towards the North Light Community Center Window Replacement Phase 1 $35,500.00
Northern Childrens Services, Towards capital items for the Northern’s Hutter Building Kitchen Renovation Project. $51,428.00
Overbrook West Neighbors, Inc. Towards capital items for the OWN Commercial Space Renovation $25,000.00
Peaceful Living, Towards the purchase and installation of an Adult Changing Table $10,000.00 Philabundance Operating Support $10,000.00
Philadelphia City Rowing, Towards capital items ( coach launch and equipment) for A New Launch to Launch Bright Futures $25,000.00
Philadelphia Ship Preservation Guild, Towards equipment & facilities upgrades for Maritime Education & Training Programs $27,933.00
Precision Institute ,Towards capital items for the Philadelphia training facility (workforce development program) : Creating a Pathway to Employment for Neurodivergent Adults $20,000.00
Providence Center, Towards the replacement of three air conditioning units. $40,000.00
Rock Ministries Of Philadelphia Inc, Towards the renovation of The Rock Youth Factory $20,000.00
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Philadelphia Region, Towards the purchase of new tables and chairs for the RMHC Philly New Tables and Chairs Project $21,000.00
Smith Memorial Playgrounds, Towards new safety surfacing for the project Playground Safety Infrastructure $50,000.00
The Garces Family Foundation, Towards the purchase laptops and storage cart for the Garces Foundation Laptop Lending Program $54,500.00
The Hickman Friends Senior Community ,Towards the purchase of HVAC units: Ensuring Continuity, Efficiency and Financial Stability in Climate Control through Reserve HVAC Units $24,000.00
The Open Link ,Towards the purchase of a Food Pantry Refrigerator Van $10,000.00
The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Towards capital items to create the Tall Trees Playscape $25,000.00
United Way of Chester County Towards capital items for the Technology Upgrades for UWCC Headquarters $21,922.00
University of Pennsylvania, Towards capital items for the Early Childhood Program Playground Renewal at the Hall Mercer Community Mental Health Center (School of Medicine) $60,212.00 Variety Club Camp & Development Center For Handicapped Children Towards furniture and equipment for the Interactive Sensory Regulation Space for Children and Young Adults with Disabilities $19,480.00
Vetri Community Partnership Towards proper cabinets for Enhancing Health & Safety in the Teaching Kitchen $20,000.00
Westside Community Center Towards capital items for the STEM Coffee Roasting Project $9,818.00
Youth Empowerment For Advancement Hangout Towards capital items for the Training and Employment Center for Justice Involved Teens and Young Adults $75,000.00